(internet TV-in-the-Switzerland) train - "TRAIN-TV" is a faster Internet TV channel for people living in the Swiss canton train to work or care for him. This Web TV stations with noble outfit is at the address http://www.zug-tv.ch found on the Internet. For interesting programming includes entertaining and interesting films from the Areas of business, politics, culture, health and human as well as a calendar of events and letters. Interested parties can book the "PULL TV.ch" advertising.
And that says "PULL TV.ch" about:
Why get angry about the lack of opportunities - to make themselves better and to implement was the idea.
TRAIN TV.ch on 15 July 2007 by Armin Wolfarth launched and brought online.
TRAIN TV.ch's vision is to "virtual resource", respectively. to advance the film archive of the canton. All employees are people with initiative with the desire to give the District a dynamic face - with many contributions from the lives of Zuger interior and Zug, politics, economy and culture: Where life just playing!
Our District has much to offer. Today and tomorrow, recorded in picture and sound. But also broadcasts on a regular basis are planned: Talks, quizzes, news.
A diverse, rich themes, and fair reporting ("for each öppis") is central. The beautiful and entertaining pages are at the center of Canton. TRAIN TV.ch is politically independent and neutral publishing.