Secret Files X
Every person is manipulated, and its programmable I completely destroyed.
There is clearly shown and explained that the man does not keep in very specific circumstances, his free will. The more brutal than any in the effects of physical pain is the one bear and maybe even shut down, but what is done here is simply no way to turn off. It is a matter of time until one is broken.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Knuckle Bruise Months
Only a new approach
Various themes appear again and again, the solution seems to be not really easy, and we wonder must be what I might be. Gradually I have come across many books where new and interesting approaches have been declared, just as there are here on the Internet a lot to read the facts. Granted, one has to spend a longer time to read everything to find as much, yet so gradually more and more things appear, the thoughtful . Make
Let's start again with the current policies of the Big Bang theory. The science says that something is created out of nothing, what the heart of the matter so not really true. From nothing in millionths of a second spread nothing and created by a massive heat all the elements of which was then a huge cloud of dust and this developed into galaxies, part cools and suns and planets - all the systems were so - so at least in very broad strokes. To this end, the universe is expanding for ever because you believe in background radiation and the beginning to perceive the Big Bang. So much for the Big Bang theory.
We know of anything that there is a beginning and an end, so birth and death, over and over again. We know from the Phaysikern that there are more than three dimensions - some say up to eleven dimensions, although they suspect much more.
And here is the approach of a completely different theory can arise, even if one or the other may shake their heads, but they can not prove otherwise. Maybe you can the principle once represented simply by imagining the following:
We have a long tube that we push into a pitch black channel whose end we can not see, we look not only in a dark tube, but see nothing as darkness. Now we have adopted very strong force that draws everything near this tube, which comes into their sphere of influence. What happens to the material sucked? It leaves the tube at the other end, even if you can not see it.
So far so good, but what does this have to do with the Big Bang is ask.
we are about now that that has attracted this tube and sucked it all possible, a house of our next stop and then everything ends up in the house. Thus, it has been withdrawn from view but still there - we also assume that a black hole sucks now a planetary system, and gradually over time, swallowed an entire galaxy. Where your
is the whole matter, which was drawn in, and was extremely compacted - it can not simply nothing to me you do not disappear but, as everyone knows, nothing disappears, it's just somewhere else!
could why would it not be that a black hole, a passage to another universe is that it still does not really exist, as compared to the the same thing happens, what we call the Big Bang - that after the death of the galaxy, the rebirth of galaxy.
That could even explain again why galaxies are distributed, because it is very unlikely that the matter should be put to a sudden considering it could eventually also their own separate star clusters and galaxies to form; this would be totally illogical.
would result, the birth of a new galaxy in the universe that is only the consequence of dying in another universe, a black hole may be only the gateway between different universes. Even though now may contradict a large number of scientists and lay people, we should start from the premise that we know about physics, only a tiny part and which does not even have to be right.
But now I want to go by I just say that time travel is possible and objections are unfounded, because there are indeed such statements by critics who believe that if you kill your own grandfather would own and the father / mother was not born yet, you yourself, can not be born.
What is it when you land on a journey only just in another dimension that exists within a hair width away from us and in which we exist - just not the way we are now, but only slightly different? That would only mean that one caused a change in size, has nothing more. On our lives in this dimension, it would have no effect, because the corresponding grandfather was killed at all here, but only one of perhaps many billions in the parallel universes. We have Prinziep a very limited way of thinking, which alone Three-dimensional things and is limited to only a handful of scientists able to think abstractly, which is excellent. Unfortunately, few scientists go to the public because others would damage their reputation, that is exactly those who are not capable of thinking about this and prefer to believe what they believed as early as 1860 and continued to be sold as truth.
I fear that we are in science, for the most part on the wrong track and we cling to statements that do not correspond to reality. In many SF films were shown, for example, include the dimension jumps correspond exactly to what I have just expressed, namely that we are in many are other dimensions as well and we are simply different - now we are in the here and now, a craftsman and the next dimension dirt poor and rich as it ever was one, we could otherwise be a dictator or a kind of Gandhi, who knows. The possibilities are endless, so we all imagine we probably never could, because we do have only our very limited knowledge and cling to it and make no real progress. One and only selfishness is to blame for the way forward on the whole, because if one were to accept every thought of another, or could, we would certainly continue. No claim should be immediately dismissed, one should Rather deal of quiet hours in, because many things simply have to be reconsidered without the one on the supposedly scientific results-oriented, but only the good sense can work. As the saying goes, aptly: "Do not go there is not," and that is precisely the point.
Other things on the earth are completely illogical, if you look at the whole think carefully about it, but we have allowed ourselves to alleged leaders around by the nose like a little kid, where you tell everything is because it has no experience and yet everything takes at face value.
Just think of our religions - connect with no one too close - the We delude ourselves if we all looked at objectively.
They say that God is omnipotent and knows everything and created the earth with all that crawls out and flies. And then this God Adam and Eve expelled from paradise and one day later saw him the one or the other but quite screwed up and has let the flood come to exterminate the whole clan. As far as the short form.
But how can it be that a God who knows everything before it even happened, it was a mistake? The error is here but he did not know well, these errors happen at all, but how can that be when the "Almighty" God? Is it not rather the case that here would anyone but God was worshiped as gods, or no, however, had the divine power, thus did not know in advance?
it can not be the there were many gods as it should be in the Urbibel and it should not mean that God created people in His own image but, rather, that the gods created humans in their image? What
us at all because this sentence to say that one has created man in His own image? Could it also not mean that we are genetically manipulated and we carry the genes of the "gods" in us, so we carry genes of these beings in us, we decipher some point and know that there are no gods were, but maybe just supposed to be a push to bring the development going, or maybe just to get their own way? Maybe
is the year 2012, the year in which this discovery is made and we are just running blindly through our world ... Then
will certainly change the world, but certainly not gloomy with a war or other scenarios, because everyone knows that we spring from a single race (and who now says there are no races to explain to me why it is called racism).
thinking so we thought about other ways and leave the paths broken in order to really come to get results, probably completely look different than we imagine in the wildest dreams.
My approach just seems to be confirmed:
Physicists probably come slowly to the big bang theory is illogical - very pleased that finally something looks doubts and simple and not only now takes what was once said.
original article in its
Various themes appear again and again, the solution seems to be not really easy, and we wonder must be what I might be. Gradually I have come across many books where new and interesting approaches have been declared, just as there are here on the Internet a lot to read the facts. Granted, one has to spend a longer time to read everything to find as much, yet so gradually more and more things appear, the thoughtful . Make
Let's start again with the current policies of the Big Bang theory. The science says that something is created out of nothing, what the heart of the matter so not really true. From nothing in millionths of a second spread nothing and created by a massive heat all the elements of which was then a huge cloud of dust and this developed into galaxies, part cools and suns and planets - all the systems were so - so at least in very broad strokes. To this end, the universe is expanding for ever because you believe in background radiation and the beginning to perceive the Big Bang. So much for the Big Bang theory.
We know of anything that there is a beginning and an end, so birth and death, over and over again. We know from the Phaysikern that there are more than three dimensions - some say up to eleven dimensions, although they suspect much more.
And here is the approach of a completely different theory can arise, even if one or the other may shake their heads, but they can not prove otherwise. Maybe you can the principle once represented simply by imagining the following:
We have a long tube that we push into a pitch black channel whose end we can not see, we look not only in a dark tube, but see nothing as darkness. Now we have adopted very strong force that draws everything near this tube, which comes into their sphere of influence. What happens to the material sucked? It leaves the tube at the other end, even if you can not see it.
So far so good, but what does this have to do with the Big Bang is ask.
we are about now that that has attracted this tube and sucked it all possible, a house of our next stop and then everything ends up in the house. Thus, it has been withdrawn from view but still there - we also assume that a black hole sucks now a planetary system, and gradually over time, swallowed an entire galaxy. Where your
is the whole matter, which was drawn in, and was extremely compacted - it can not simply nothing to me you do not disappear but, as everyone knows, nothing disappears, it's just somewhere else!
could why would it not be that a black hole, a passage to another universe is that it still does not really exist, as compared to the the same thing happens, what we call the Big Bang - that after the death of the galaxy, the rebirth of galaxy.
That could even explain again why galaxies are distributed, because it is very unlikely that the matter should be put to a sudden considering it could eventually also their own separate star clusters and galaxies to form; this would be totally illogical.
would result, the birth of a new galaxy in the universe that is only the consequence of dying in another universe, a black hole may be only the gateway between different universes. Even though now may contradict a large number of scientists and lay people, we should start from the premise that we know about physics, only a tiny part and which does not even have to be right.
But now I want to go by I just say that time travel is possible and objections are unfounded, because there are indeed such statements by critics who believe that if you kill your own grandfather would own and the father / mother was not born yet, you yourself, can not be born.
What is it when you land on a journey only just in another dimension that exists within a hair width away from us and in which we exist - just not the way we are now, but only slightly different? That would only mean that one caused a change in size, has nothing more. On our lives in this dimension, it would have no effect, because the corresponding grandfather was killed at all here, but only one of perhaps many billions in the parallel universes. We have Prinziep a very limited way of thinking, which alone Three-dimensional things and is limited to only a handful of scientists able to think abstractly, which is excellent. Unfortunately, few scientists go to the public because others would damage their reputation, that is exactly those who are not capable of thinking about this and prefer to believe what they believed as early as 1860 and continued to be sold as truth.
I fear that we are in science, for the most part on the wrong track and we cling to statements that do not correspond to reality. In many SF films were shown, for example, include the dimension jumps correspond exactly to what I have just expressed, namely that we are in many are other dimensions as well and we are simply different - now we are in the here and now, a craftsman and the next dimension dirt poor and rich as it ever was one, we could otherwise be a dictator or a kind of Gandhi, who knows. The possibilities are endless, so we all imagine we probably never could, because we do have only our very limited knowledge and cling to it and make no real progress. One and only selfishness is to blame for the way forward on the whole, because if one were to accept every thought of another, or could, we would certainly continue. No claim should be immediately dismissed, one should Rather deal of quiet hours in, because many things simply have to be reconsidered without the one on the supposedly scientific results-oriented, but only the good sense can work. As the saying goes, aptly: "Do not go there is not," and that is precisely the point.
Other things on the earth are completely illogical, if you look at the whole think carefully about it, but we have allowed ourselves to alleged leaders around by the nose like a little kid, where you tell everything is because it has no experience and yet everything takes at face value.
Just think of our religions - connect with no one too close - the We delude ourselves if we all looked at objectively.
They say that God is omnipotent and knows everything and created the earth with all that crawls out and flies. And then this God Adam and Eve expelled from paradise and one day later saw him the one or the other but quite screwed up and has let the flood come to exterminate the whole clan. As far as the short form.
But how can it be that a God who knows everything before it even happened, it was a mistake? The error is here but he did not know well, these errors happen at all, but how can that be when the "Almighty" God? Is it not rather the case that here would anyone but God was worshiped as gods, or no, however, had the divine power, thus did not know in advance?
it can not be the there were many gods as it should be in the Urbibel and it should not mean that God created people in His own image but, rather, that the gods created humans in their image? What
us at all because this sentence to say that one has created man in His own image? Could it also not mean that we are genetically manipulated and we carry the genes of the "gods" in us, so we carry genes of these beings in us, we decipher some point and know that there are no gods were, but maybe just supposed to be a push to bring the development going, or maybe just to get their own way? Maybe
is the year 2012, the year in which this discovery is made and we are just running blindly through our world ... Then
will certainly change the world, but certainly not gloomy with a war or other scenarios, because everyone knows that we spring from a single race (and who now says there are no races to explain to me why it is called racism).
thinking so we thought about other ways and leave the paths broken in order to really come to get results, probably completely look different than we imagine in the wildest dreams.
My approach just seems to be confirmed:
Physicists probably come slowly to the big bang theory is illogical - very pleased that finally something looks doubts and simple and not only now takes what was once said.
original article in its
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Swot Analysis For Donuts
UFO hotspot Knittelfeld (Styria, Austria)
Knittelfeld is a small Austrian town with just 11 767 inhabitants (as of 1 October 2010) would probably not otherwise strike continued were it not for a special feature. Knittelfeld was in fact known as a place to the extremely large number of sightings of unidentified flying objects were known. There is also a lecture by Gerhard Gröschel of Germany, who has dealt with the subject site.
The film quality is not as good because the paper was received there on the spot, but there is more to the facts.
Knittelfeld is a small Austrian town with just 11 767 inhabitants (as of 1 October 2010) would probably not otherwise strike continued were it not for a special feature. Knittelfeld was in fact known as a place to the extremely large number of sightings of unidentified flying objects were known. There is also a lecture by Gerhard Gröschel of Germany, who has dealt with the subject site.
The film quality is not as good because the paper was received there on the spot, but there is more to the facts.

Monday, November 1, 2010
How Many Wireless Devices Can My Modem Handle
examples of the existence of morphic fields
examples of the existence of morphic fields
Mysterious powers of the Spirit (Part 1 / 4)
Mysterious powers of the Spirit (Part 2 / 4)
Mysterious powers of the Spirit (Part 3 / 4)
Mysterious powers of the Spirit (Part 4 / 4)
Stay healthy
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