impressive legislation in itself, but one notes very quickly, that probably someone here has tried to create a crop circle - the authenticity of non-human creation can therefore probably be excluded.
distances are not perfect, not just lines express-all in all, botch, otherwise it can not be.
probably too shows very clearly that those who want to attract attention by home-made crop circles, the thereby create more, they get nothing right now and thus unwittingly provide the proof that people can not be responsible for the creation of some very complicated circles and patterns. Thank you to this point for the involuntary help.
Genuine crop circles are perfect, sharply defined edges, the blades are and are not damaged in any way, in the examined groups there is a completely confusing field of energy that can result even in people with dizziness and fainting, electronic devices that they messed up and dance a compass needle does.
I would very surprised if people could get it all out.
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