Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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bigotry or ignorance, that is the question

One has to wonder about some of the scientists again and again, especially on high-level astronomers, which is kind of imagination has been lost.
One of these scientists is Dr. Howard Smith of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics . Howard believes that there is no other life in the universe and everything, it was probably more of a coincidence, life as we know it originated on Earth.
It is almost unbelievable that a seasoned scientist is set and not at all into consideration that there are thousands of billions of stars associated with planets on which life exists somewhere for sure.
Something else to take is just plain arrogant and has an aftertaste, as if man is the crown of creation.

There but for sure the questions Dr. Howard Smith could not readily explain, if he maintains his opinion.
The most studied exoplanets were gas planets, where there is agreement in the scientific community that there can be no life - at least not by Earth standards.
seem forgotten, but the so-called rocky planets to be, which may well support life. Gliese 518g would be a rocky planet that
orbits its star within the so-called habitable zone, so that distance, the moderate temperatures and liquid water and thus allows for earthly life scale.
other planets might also have life, but just different than we can imagine or want.

someone like Dr. Howard Smith to be taken seriously is because very difficult.



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